Avoid These Common Credit Card Mistakes When Traveling Abroad

Metra Trust

Today, you can use your credit cards for all international spends! Yes, you read that right! But avoid THESE mistakes when using your credit card abroad.

Metra Trust

#1 Not choosing the right card

Choose a card that is accepted across all countries and offers maximum rewards, offers and privileges on international spends.

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#2 Not informing the issuer

When travelling abroad, inform your bank of any possible international spends so that the transactions are approved.

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#3 Not checking charges

A forex mark-up fee and currency conversion charges might apply on international spends.Check these charges to know the added cost.

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#4 Unsafe usage

Beware of credit card frauds. Use your card securely through chip and PIN protection and at safe places!

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#5 Withdrawing cash

While credit cards allow cash withdrawals internationally, avoid it as it incurs considerable charges, especially when used abroad.

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Make your international trip fun and easy with Metra Trust Credit Cards. Save more with low forex markup and exciting travel offers!

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