Avoid These Mistakes When Applying For A Loan On Credit Card
Metra Trust
Loans on credit cards can be instant solutions to your financial woes. But a little care is needed when applying for the loan. Avoid these common mistakes.
Metra Trust
Going overboard on borrowing
A high credit limit gives you a high loan amount. But don’t go overboard when borrowing. Borrow only what is needed.
Metra Trust
Not comparing interest rates
Different credit cards have different interest rates. Always compare to get the best rates.
Metra Trust
Closing old credit cards
This reduces the credit limit and increases the credit utilisation ratio. Maintain your cards to maintain a good credit score.
Metra Trust
Choosing a lower tenure
Lower repayment tenure = higher EMIs which might prove unaffordable. Choose a tenure that gives the most affordable EMIs for easy payments.
Metra Trust
Missing EMIs
This can increase the interest, incur a late payment fine, which in turn impacts your credit score.
Pay your EMIs on time, every time.
Metra Trust
Choose Metra Trust Credit Cards for cost-effective loans starting from just 9% p.a.
Get repayment tenures up to 18 months and repay affordably.