Budget Better With Credit Cards In 2024. Know How.
Metra Trust
Did you know that credit cards are not only rewarding but can also let you budget better?
This New Year, here’s how to use credit cards for prudent budgeting.
Metra Trust
Use reward points wisely
The credit card reward points can be redeemed for discount vouchers, gifts and even to pay off credit card bills. Use them wisely.
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Maximise cashbacks
Look for the cashbacks offered on the card. Use them to the fullest to earn every time you make a payment with the card.
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Merchant offers
Credit cards are tied-up with specified merchants and offer discounts on their transactions. Prefer such merchants to get the discounts.
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Choosing the right card
Choose a card which matches your preferences to get maximum perks. Choose lifetime free credit cards that suit your needs to avoid added fees and save more.
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Pay on time
Lastly, pay your credit card bills within the due date and in full. Do not miss the payments or revoke credit as it would incur additional interest.
Metra Trust
Plan an effective budget this 2024 with Metra Trust Credit Cards. Enjoy low APRs, attractive reward points and other perks to save more.