Can You Pay Your Credit Card Bill Through Any UPI?

Metra Trust

With UPI, payments have become easy, convenient and quick. You can also pay your credit card bills with a UPI ID. Know how.

Metra Trust

What you need

A valid UPI ID, bank account linked with the UPI ID, sufficient funds in the bank account, a smartphone and an internet connection

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Payment through UPI app

If you have a UPI app on your phone, open it and choose the credit card bill payment option. Enter the card details, the amount and pay.

Metra Trust

Payment through credit card account

Log in to your card account, choose bill payment, and select the UPI mode. Enter your UPI ID or choose a UPI app to pay

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Things to remember

  • You will need your UPI PIN to complete the payment
  • If you have multiple bank accounts, choose an account with a valid UPI ID

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  • Look for offers such as cashback for more savings
  • Pay card bills in full to avoid damaging your credit score

Metra Trust

Metra Trust Credit Cards allow UPI bill payments and offer attractive rewards and privileges.

Metra Trust