Understanding Credit Card Billing Cycles

Metra Trust

Are you aware of how credit card billing cycles work? Let's take a look at an example to help you understand better.

Metra Trust

A billing cycle is the time period between two consecutive billings, usually lasting 30 days.

Metra Trust

Consider this example: Sarah, a busy professional, loves to shop online. She has a credit card billing cycle from the 24th of each month to the 23rd of the following month.

Metra Trust

Now, let's say Sarah makes a purchase of ₹100 on the 20th May 2024. In which statement cycle will she be billed for it?

Metra Trust

Since the transaction took place in the 24th April to 23rd May billing cycle, it will be billed in her May credit card statement generated on 24th May 2024.

Metra Trust

Payment date

Sarah, being an Metra Trust Credit Card customer, gets 15 days to pay her credit card bill after she receives her statement.
So her payment due date will be 8th June 2024.

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Interest charges

Sarah won't be charged any interest if she pays her full balance by the due date.

Metra Trust

Want to keep track of your credit card billing cycle and payments? Just download our mobile app and check your statement anytime, anywhere.


Metra Trust