How Can Owning Multiple Credit Cards Affect Your Credit Score? Find Out!

Metra Trust

One card for lifestyle spends, one for travel, other for shopping…

Do you own multiple credit cards?

If yes, you might be damaging your credit score. Know how

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Missed payments

With multiple cards, the chances of missing repayments increases even if it’s just once. A missed payment damages the credit score adversely.

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Credit usage

With multiple cards, your credit usage might increase. If it does, your credit score would be damaged as credit utilisation is an important factor.

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Skewed credit mix

Owning a single type of debt is bad for your credit mix. Owning multiple cards would hamper your credit mix as it is a single type of debt.  

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New credit

Every time you apply for a credit card, you are asking for new credit. Addition of new credit lowers your score as the credit risk increases. 

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Credit history

A long credit history is good for credit score. However, when you get a new card, your credit history shortens and the credit score drops.

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Own select credit cards with multiple benefits like Metra Trust Credit Cards. Get accelerated reward points, premium privileges and more.

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