Managing Your Credit Card Easily with the Metra Trust Mobile Banking App
Metra Trust
Monitoring expenses, bill payments, payment limits and more, the Metra Trust Mobile Banking app allows you to manage your credit card effectively. Know how.
Metra Trust
Connect All Banks
Have multiple accounts? Connect them all with the app and pay your credit card bills through the app with any account.
Metra Trust
Expense tracking
Check your credit card spends on the app to monitor them. Also, get regular transaction updates to stay on top of your game.
Metra Trust
Auto pay
Set up an auto-pay mandate on your bank account to pay your credit card bills on time, without fail, and avoid added interest charges.
Metra Trust
Card management
Enable or disable international payments, set up limits, manage add-on cards and do much more on the app to manage your card.
Metra Trust
Clear your credit card bills for three consecutive months through the app and stand to earn up to 600 Reward Points.
Metra Trust
With these features and benefits, make managing your credit card a breeze with the Metra Trust Mobile Banking app