Caught Up In The ‘What’ And ‘How’ Of Reading Your Credit Report? Check This!​

Metra Trust

The credit report has a detailed analysis of your credit and financial information. With so much detail, how to read the report effectively? Here are some tips!

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#1 Break it down

Break down the information into small, digestible and understandable blocks. Read and assess each block independently.

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#2 Check all details

The report contains your personal information and details of various financial accounts. Check whether the data is correct and up-to-date.

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#3 Check for discrepancies

There might be errors in your credit report that impacts your credit score. Look for these errors and raise a dispute if any exist.

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#4 Look for enquiries made

When you apply for credit, an enquiry is made into your report. Check if the report contains any hard or soft enquiry.

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#5 Check your credit score

Your credit report will contain your credit score, a 3-digit number. The higher the number, the better the loans and interest rates you can get.

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Embark on a rewarding financial journey by building your credit score with Metra Trust Credit Cards!

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