Is Carrying a Balance on your Credit Card Good for Your Credit Score?

Metra Trust

With credit cards, you can pay a Minimum Amount Due (MAD) and carry forward the balance.

Metra Trust

While paying the MAD can free you from a huge bill, it can hurt your credit score.

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Your credit score gets affected when you carry an unpaid balance on your credit cards. Hence, it is better to avoid such balances and pay bills on time.

Metra Trust

Besides damaging the credit score, a balance on the card also entails additional interest charges.

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Moreover, you lose the interest-free credit period in the next billing cycle. Each spend is added to the revolving balance and interest is charged on the total.

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Since carrying a balance on credit cards is bad for your credit score and your pocket, always pay your credit card bills in full.

Metra Trust

Metra Trust offers a range of credit cards with useful benefits and rewards. 

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