If you have a credit card, you can get add-on cards issued against it for your spouse or kids. But are add-on cards worth it? We reveal their pros and cons.
Metra Trust
Add-on cards give credit access to your family members who might otherwise be ineligible to own one. This helps them establish their credit history.
Metra Trust
Cardholders can enjoy the benefits of the primary card
Add-on cardholders can build their credit profile with timely repayments
Metra Trust
It is the primary cardholder's responsibility to pay off add-on card users' dues if they fail to do so.
Metra Trust
Overspending or defaulting on add-on cards damage the primary cardholder's credit score.
Metra Trust
In order to avoid the drawbacks, the primary cardholder must set spending limits, monitor transactions, and ensure timely bill payments.
Metra Trust
Take advantage of add-on cards offered by Metra Trust Credit Cards that offer a rewards program and a host of perks.