5 Reasons For Being Denied A Credit Card And How To Overcome Them
Metra Trust
Got your credit card application rejected?
Surprisingly, it is possible! However, you can overcome the reasons for rejections and apply again. Let’s understand.
Metra Trust
Bad credit score
Low scores are a cause for rejections. With a secured credit card, like the FIRST WOW! Credit Card, you can easily build your score slowly with timely payments.
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Low income
If your income is also low and below the minimum level required, the application will be rejected. Supplement your income to become eligible.
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Remote location
If you live in a place which is unserviceable by the credit card issuer, the card won’t be issued. Look for an issuer servicing your location.
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Unsuitable occupation
Some occupations are blacklisted by credit card issuers. Choose an issuer who is willing to offer the card despite your occupation.
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Other factors
Other rejection factors include age, residential status, insufficient documents, etc. Address these reasons to get the approval for the card.
Metra Trust
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