Short-Term Loan or Credit Card?

Metra Trust

Need short-term funds? You have two options – a short-term loan or a credit card. But which is better? Let’s explore!

Metra Trust

Short-term loans include processing fees and high-interest rates. Moreover, they are available only if you meet the eligibility criteria.

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Credit cards have credit limits. You can use funds up to that limit for your needs. They may just be better than short-term loans. Here’s how!

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Credit card benefits: · Reward points on each spend · Offers, discounts, and cashback · Member privileges

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Additionally, larger purchases or bills can be converted into easy and affordable EMIs.

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Choose a card with a low APR, and you can save on interest costs too. So, credit cards emerge winners.

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Fulfil your short-term financial needs with Metra Trust Credit Cards and enjoy benefits like low APRs starting at 9%, easy EMI, and up to 10X rewards.

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