You Should Make Most Of Your Payments With A Credit Card. Here’s Why!​

Metra Trust

Own a credit card?

Make all your transactions on the card for rewarding benefits.

Find out how.

Metra Trust

Credit access

Facing a financial crunch or running low on cash?

Credit cards allow you to buy now, pay later. Use your credit limit and pay for anything, easily.

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Reward Points

You earn Reward Points on almost every transaction. These points can be accumulated and redeemed for gifts, vouchers, discounts, and more!

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Merchant offers

Merchants tied to your credit card issuer also offer exclusive discounts and cashbacks to cardholders which can help you save more.

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EMI facility

You can convert large transactions into affordable EMIs for easy payments. This increases your purchasing power without straining your budget.

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Credit cards are safe to use and carry around. In the case of theft, you can block the card to minimise financial losses and unauthorised use.

Metra Trust

When transacting, use credit cards and when you have Metra Trust Credit Cards, you can enjoy accelerated Reward Points and many more benefits.

Metra Trust