5 Education Loan Facts You Might Not Know About

Metra Trust

Do you know everything about an education loan?

There are some facts that might escape your attention. Here are 5 such facts to know about. 

Metra Trust

#2 Subsidised interest rates

For meritorious students, there are government-sponsored loan schemes that offer interest rate subsidies for affordable repayments. 

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#3 Expenses covered

An education loan covers your tuition fee, accommodation or lodging expenses, lifestyle expenses and other education-related costs. 

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#4 Co-applicant and guarantor

Besides the student, who is the loan applicant, a co-applicant and a third-party guarantor might also be required. 

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#5 Collateral

If the loan quantum is low, you can get collateral-free loans. However, for higher amounts, a collateral security is needed by most lenders.

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Know these lesser-known facts when applying for the loan. For a comprehensive loan, choose Metra Trust and get attractive interest rates.

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