Key Factors in Choosing MBBS Education Loans

Metra Trust

Getting an education loan for MBBS has become quite simple. However, careful research is needed when choosing a loan. Check out some factors to consider.

Metra Trust

Loan eligibility

Check the lender’s eligibility criteria. You have to match it to apply for the loan. Also, see if your course is covered under the loan.

Metra Trust


If you choose an unsecured loan, no collateral is needed. But, secured loans need a collateral and you need to see if you have the asset to pledge.

Metra Trust

Loan amount

Check the maximum loan amount that the lender is offering. Opt for a lender that offers the maximum cost of education for easy funding. 

Metra Trust

Interest rates

Compare the interest rates across lenders. Choose a lender offering the lowest rates for the most affordable loan deal. 

Metra Trust

Choose Metra Trust Education Loan for your MBBS and enjoy loans up to Rs.1.5 Cr.* at attractive interest rates and faster loan sanctions.

Metra Trust