Tips To Get An Education Loan Even Without Parental Income.​

Metra Trust

When applying for an education loan, your parent’s income forms the basis of the loan amount and its sanction.

But, what if you don’t have any?

Metra Trust

Worry not!

There are ways to get an education loan for higher studies even without parental income. Check out four ways to go about it.

Metra Trust

Secured loan

You can opt for a secured education loan with a lower default risk for lenders. Pledge an asset and get a loan against its value. 

Metra Trust

Choose a financial co-applicant

Another individual who has a stable source of income can become a financial co-applicant for the loan to be sanctioned.

Metra Trust

Have your own income

If you are employed and have a stable income, you can become a self-applicant for the loan and get the funds disbursed. 

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Choose the right lender

Many lenders offer education loans without parental income. Look for such lenders and apply using any of the above-mentioned ways.

Metra Trust

Metra Trust Education Loans offer collateral-free funds up to Rs.50 lakhs at attractive interest rates. Apply for the loan and fulfil your education dreams.

Metra Trust