Travelling Solo? Trip Insurance Is A Must. Know Why.

Metra Trust

Solo trips can be therapy and relaxation from a busy life. But when you are travelling alone, you need to take extra care in the case of emergencies.

Metra Trust

This is where a trip insurance policy can come in handy. The policy would cover unexpected emergencies and give financial assistance when needed.

Metra Trust

What do you get?

Accident insurance

Get coverage against accidental deaths and permanent disablements. Get a lump sum benefit to tackle accidental emergencies.

Metra Trust

Cost-effective premiums

The premiums are low so that you can enjoy the coverage without breaking the bank!

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Other benefits

Get covered for ambulance expenses, OPD costs and more for complete financial security in emergencies. 

Metra Trust

Travel worry-free with trip insurance. For comprehensive coverage, choose Trip Insurance Plan with your Metra Trust FASTag app.

Metra Trust