Looking for a low-budget travel to a foreign destination?
Check out some effective money-saving tips that can bring down your travel costs.
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Book early
Try and book your travel tickets and hotel accommodations early to avoid the last-minute surge pricing. Also, try choosing an off-season for low rates
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Right funding
To fund your trip, choose right, like FIRSTmoney, an instant smart personal loan it can come handy for all your planned & unplanned expenses while travelling, foreclose anytime with no charges
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Hunt for deals, discounts, cashbacks, and offers on every booking. Compare travel aggregators and check your credit card for the best deals.
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Pack right
Besides clothes and essentials, try packing non-perishable food items which can save big on dining bills which are higher in foreign destinations
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The destination
Choose a destination which is affordable not only in terms of travel tickets but also in accommodation and sightseeing.
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Plan your trip with these tips and FIRSTmoney’s cost-effective funding. Enjoy low processing fee and flexible repayments for a budget-friendly trip.