Your Child NEEDS A Savings Account. Here’s Why!

Metra Trust

Learning starts at home!

Begin early and teach your child the smart way to manage money.
How? No, not pocket money!
With a Savings Account.

Metra Trust

You can open a Minor Under Guardian Savings Account for your children. 
It will be in your child’s name, but with all the management and control in your hands.

Metra Trust

Stepping stone

Opening a minor's Savings Account is a fantastic way to introduce your child to the world of banking, money management, & healthy financial habits.

Metra Trust

Habit building

Children can be motivated to save and build a corpus for their short-term goals like buying a toy or a phone. This builds accountability.

Metra Trust

You can impart financial literacy from a young age and teach your kids about investments, interest rates, fixed deposits, and a lot more!

Metra Trust

Inculcating healthy financial habits makes children more responsible about money management, which is an invaluable life skill.

Metra Trust

Gift your child the Metra Trust Minor Under Guardian Savings Account and lay down the foundation of financial responsibility and management. 

Metra Trust